Soul Journeyz
Private Retreat
A personalized journey into YOU!
Choose a 4 day experience with or without plant medicine and join me in the beautiful mountains of the Costa Blanca in Spain.
“Go on a journey into your soul”
What I offer:
4 day Plant Medicine Journey:
💫 1 Ayahuasca journey
Price: €1499
💫 Airport Transfer from and to Alicante Airport
Price: €999
If you wish to extend your stay I ask €300 per day which includes 1 ceremony and all the food and drinks.
In this private experience you can:
💫 Connect to yourself more deeply
💫 Reset your life
💫 Release emotional and energetic blockages that are affecting your everyday life
💫 Heal your Womb & Body from trauma & emotional pain
💫 Learn to listen and connect to your inner guides
💫 Connect to your feminine essence
💫 Feel energized, (re)connected and “on”
💫 Heal deeply
💫 Have more self-confidence
💫 Experience self-love
💫 Receive clarity on your true purpose
💫 Experience your authentic self
💫 Experience the joy of living and being you
This experience can also help to:
- Deeply heal your womb space and awaken the potential of your Sacred Womb.
- Awaken your authentic feminine power and heal and connect to your feminine energy.
- Heal the distorted masculine and distorted feminine within you
- Clear blocks and trauma within your body
- Become more grounded and safe within your body and create a more powerful and energetic presence through your body.
- Gracefully release fear and trauma from the womb (miscarriages, sexual trauma etc).
- Heal ancestral wounds of your motherline.
- Release invasive energies from your womb and body and distangle yourself from co-dependent and draining relationships
- Restore your sacred boundaries and become aware of your own energy field and self-respect.
- Connect to your Inner Sacred Woman, your true self and learn how to use the inner guidance coming from your womb. And trust to listen to this voice.
- Connect to your passion and purpose and birth new plans and ideas through your womb.
- Align with your soul’s purpose.

Previous clients have shared that this work has helped them to overcome fear and trauma and they have got a deeper understanding on certain themes in their life. They experience deep changes in setting boundaries, clearer communication and relationships and their life is more flowing abundantly. About my work as a facilitator they share that they enjoy my strong energy and that it makes them feel safe and supported.
I went home with a smile on my face and an amazing feeling of strength and clarity when it comes to the future and what my soul purpose is.
I have joined Marjolein for a private Find your Bliss retreat beginning of this year. The reason I joined her, was because I was struggling with a lot of stress and anger, and it affected my relationships.
The week was not an easy one. I was confronted with a lot of things I consciously and unconsciously tried to hide and I also started to see my own limited beliefs around myself. In the week I learned to work with my own energy and how to become more in charge of this.
It has been a kickstart to change my life drastically. My stress and anger are still there every now and then, but I can see now that they are warning signs for me that something is not right. My relationship is finally more loving (after 5 years of struggles), I am in touch with my parents again and I am enjoying being around my children.
Besides that I have realized I was not happy in my workalike and decided to change my job and work with children instead of adults. I am so grateful for the week with Marjolein and can highly recommend her to anyone. She has given me the support but also has confronted me in a beautiful way with myself.