On Demand Courses

Courses in your own pace
I have created a couple of on demand video courses that you can do in your own speed and pace in the comfort of your own home. These courses are for those who cannot attend the live sessions that I offer or prefer to do it without having to share in a bigger group. They have been designed in 3 or 11 weeks and are focusing on Womb Healing and Awakening.

Introduction to Womb Awakening

 3 Weeks course

In these 3 weeks I will be taking you on a journey to awaken your 3 feminine power centers, teaching you how to listen and communicate with your Womb and a powerful healing ceremony with source light. For those who would like to explore their Womb space and getting familiar with my style in their own pace.
This is a perfect journey. 

Full Womb Awakening Journey

11 Weeks course

If you feel the call to deep dive into your Womb Space, this is your journey! I am offering 11 different experiences touching different aspects of Womb Awakening. After the 3 foundational journeys we will dive deeper into Ancestral Healing, balancing our Masculine and Feminine energies, restoring our boundaries and an immersion into the magical Black Light.

3 weeks online course

This short online program has been designed for those who would like to explore working with the Womb. In these 3 weeks I will be teaching you how to be able to activate your Sacred Womb Space, how to communicate with her and we will be doing a powerful healing ceremony where you will be taught how to work with your own energy and how this can heal your Womb.

It would be a perfect preparation for those who are feeling the call to work with their Womb. And it is a perfect opportunity for those who are curious but don’t want to commit to a longer circle.

This is a on demand course which means you can do it in your own pace and at whatever convenient moment. During 3 weeks I will be sending out 3 different video’s, which are available for you at all times.

What is included?

  •  3 video’s with background information and a practice
  • Email support when this is needed in your journey.


Price: €75

Week 1 - Awaken your feminine centers

In this video I am explaining in detail what we are going to work on. Then we will prepare the space and start the activation of our 3 feminine centers which will be the first gentle connection to our Womb. This activation ceremony is also a clearing of the clutter from your body that has prevented you from connecting fully to your feminine centers. 

Week 2 - Listen & Communicate with your womb

As a follow up on the first week, we will be taking the time today to connect to our Womb at a more conscious level and we will listen how the Womb wants to communicate with you and what she would like to share with you. Again there will be background information given as a preparation. 

Week 3 - Womb healing ceremony

Now that we have activated our Womb and she has shared with us her story it is time to take the work to another level. We will be doing a healing ceremony where we will be healing our Womb with manifested light. A very direct form of light that comes directly from your source. It is very empowering to experience that you have the ability to heal yourself! This is a transformative ceremony!

Do you want to:

Explore Womb Awakening practices?
Release clutter from your body and soul?
Feel more grounded?
Enjoy a stronger connection with yourself?
Heal and release your Womb from trauma?
Feel more centered and self-aware?
Gain a new sense of self-love and self-worth?
Connect to your feminine power?

Do you want to:

Embark on a transformational journey?
Learn to take full responsibility for your life?
Explore the deeper Womb Awakening practices?
Release your Womb from trauma and wounding?
Clear yourself from your ancestral pain and suffering?
Connect to the divine masculine and release yourself from imprints received through the wounded masculine?
Explore your feminine distortions and consciously move away from them?
Learn how to work on a collective level and heal your collectively held wounding
Connect to your divine femine energy and essence?
Learn how to set energetic boundaries?
Have greater clarity on your true purpose?
And start the rest of your amazing life that lays ahead of you?

Enjoy a stronger connection with yourself? 
Feel more centered and self-aware? 
Gain a new sense of self-love and self-worth?

11 weeks online course

Are you ready for a deep journey into your Sacred Space: your Womb? But do you feel resistance to do this in group and one-to-one is too expensive for you?

This might be your solution! I have recorded all the Womb Awakening practices on video, so you can clear your Womb Space in your own time and space.

Did you know that your Womb is like a magnet and when we have imprints received by others or energetically still hold on to trauma that you have experienced you are keeping yourself in a dynamic that gives us the same old story again and again and again?

Download my free video here, so you can listen to a more detailed version of the benefits of healing and transforming your womb energy.

What is included?

  •  11 videos including a preparation practice for grounding and connection, detailed practical information about the practice and a practice. Each video is approximately 1 hour.
  • Online e-mail support.


Price: €333

If you have already completed the 3 week Introduction course the price will be €258.

Week 1 - Clear the gutter

In this first week we will clear the clutter from our body, organs, bones, cells and DNA that has prevented us to fully connect to the heart and the womb. A very powerful practice to help you prepare for the deeper journeys.

Week 2 - What your womb tells you

This week I give you the opportunity to learn how your Womb communicates with you. Through sound, words, a voice, a knowing a feeling. To discover the way you can communicate we can trust our deepening journey.

Week 3 - First healing journey

This is the first real healing journey through your Womb and you will be taught how to work with your own Manifested Light, that comes directly from source. This is a very empowering ceremony to discover and feel that you have the healing abilities inside of yourself.

Week 4 - Deepening ceremony

We will kick off in our first deepening ceremony with one of my favorites, which is ancestral healing. In this healing we are connecting to our ancestors AND to our very first ancestor that holds the clear blueprint of our lineage before any pain and trauma.

Week 5 - Release imprints

In the fifth week we will release ourselves from imprints that we have received through the distorted masculine. Once we cleared these, we are ready to invite in the divine masculine energy.

Week 6 - Own the shit

It is time to ‘own our shit’ as of this week. We get the chance to look at our own distortions and manipulations and I teach you a way to consciously move away from them. This is the initiation into your divine feminine.

Week 7 - Feminine distortions

We deepen the work of our feminine distortions and start to clear them on a collective level. We receive clarity on how deeply we run these distorted patterns on a personal AND collective level.

Week 8 - Relationship patterns

This week we are diving into relationship patterns that are not helping us. We are clearing our womb from boundary violating relationship patterns such as energetic invasion. But we also take a close look to where we are leaking away our precious energy and call this energy back into our womb and body. Clearing these patterns allows us to celebrate our womb and our entire being as a Sacred Temple.

Week 9 - Clear co-dependency

This week we are clearing a very important unhealthy relationship pattern: Co-dependency. Clearing these bonds means you are vertically aligning yourself and learning how to fill yourself with your own source energy. Other people’s energy will no longer be needed.

Week 10 - Feminine Black Light

Immersion in the feminine Black Light, a deep shamanic practice. This is the ultimate womb practice and an absolute game changer.  It is also THE practice to meet your inner sacred woman; your inner guide. Make sure you plan as little as possible after this session so you can spend time in nature.

Week 11 - Restore your connection

In the final week we will restore your connection to the earth and the universe and allow these two beautiful energies to connect into your Sacred and healed Womb. It is restoring you back into your natural feminine connection.

Let’s connect



Tarbena, Spain


+34 635 65 01 64

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