Soulful Leadership Program 2024
I have created this program with a lot of love and compassion and I am thrilled to offer this out into the world. This program is for all practitioners, facilitators, energy workers, yoga teachers, therapists or those who are seeking clarity and wisdom and would like to explore shamanic practices, womb healing and breathwork to establish a stronger foundation for yourself and for the work that wants to be brought into the world through you.
A soulful leader is a woman who is connected to her womb and knows how to hold space through her womb. She knows deeply she is the creatrix of her own reality and able to take full responsibility for herself and her journey.
She is a woman who is aware that there are many different realms and truths and she holds the knowledge to tap into this wisdom. She is the medicine woman, the Shaman, the priestess, the Oracle yet doesn’t feel the need to label herself as just one, as she knows deep in her heart that she is all of them.
She is a living embodiment of her feminine and masculine qualities and knows how to use them in a divine way. She leads gently but with deep trust. In connection with her ancestors and her guides.

The sessions will vary from Healing Breathwork, Womb Healing and Awakening, Shamanic Journeys and Shamanic Teachings. My aim is to help you connect to your inner source and wisdom but also to help you connect to your spirit helpers in the lower and upper world and to assist you in how to work together in your everyday life.
The sessions are purely meant for your own healing experiences and how to use them for yourself. I am not teaching you any specifc skills like Womb Awakening/Healing, Healing Breathwork or Shamanic Journeywork to offer to your clients. These are separate teaching that are being offered through and I can highly recommend these offered trainings.
Throughout a year we will connect through Zoom every first Monday of the month and we will gather for a sharing circle every 3rd Monday of the month (check the dates for some exceptions below) to dive deep into different practices. The first gathering will be on the 4th of March 2024 from 19.00-21.30 CET. There will be plenty of space for sharing and for personal feedback in these sessions and there will be energy work included in all of them as well as some background information around certain practices. I do honor that we are all on our own journey and we can really learn from each other when we truly listen. I also keep it open to change or add topics if this is what the group really needs.
I offer this program in 2 different formats. You can choose to only join the group mentoring sessions and sacred sharing circles for €1599. If you wish to go for the full package it includes the group sessions AND 6 individual mentoring sessions of 1,5 hours with me! In these sessions we will dive deeper into your personal story and to see what you personally need to shift or change in addition to the sessions we are running in the program. These sessions will be booked in as soon as you have signed up for the program!
Here is an impression of what we will be doing:
As a facilitator Feeling safe within ourselves is the absolute foundation for our work to expand. When we are feeling safe within ourselves we are grounded, present and capable to create a safe space for our clients to dive deep. The Womb is a great space to be connected to if we want to feel safe and grounded within ourselves. In the first 2 months of the course we will focus on this topic.
Session 1
Prior to this session you will receive 2 videos (Awakening the centers and listening to the Womb) to prepare you for this session.
Setting intentions
Womb healing ceremony to heal the feelings of unsafety.
Session 2
Powerful Breathwork to release the memories of being unsafe from our subconscious selfs and meeting the power of Snake Medicine from the Medicine Wheel.
In the second part of this training we are diving into Ancestral Healing. A lot of challenges that we are experiencing in life comes through our lineages. In the Western world we don’t really question our ancestors and we are not used to blend this work into our lives as we are evolving. In 3 weeks we will journey deeply into our family lineages to bring healing to our own Wombs and into our lineages. We will work deeply on our maternal AND paternal lineage and connecting to our first ancestors who hold the codes of wisdom for us to carry. When we are connected to our ancestry we can strengthen the feelings of being safe and supported AND we can retrieve a lot of gifts that come through them.
Session 3
Ancestral Healing of our Maternal Lineage and meeting our first ancestor
Session 4
Ancestral Healing of our Paternal Lineage and meeting our first ancestor
Session 5
Ancestral Healing Breathwork to release ourselves from our ancestral wounding and open up to the gifts of our ancestry. In this breathwork we will work with the guardians of the West of the Medicine Wheel and the Jaguar Spirit.
In the third part of this training we start to focus a little more on how we can step into the world in an authentic way. Bringing balance to the energies, creating stronger boundaries and activating and exploring our sexual energy. Sexual Energy is lifeforce energy and it is connected to our creativity on all levels of our life
Session 6
Releasing masculine and feminine distorted energy (clearing and Soul Retrieval)
Inviting in the divine energies to create union
Session 7
Restoring our boundaries
Releasing the savior pattern & the overgiving mother archetype
Clearing co-dependent bonds.
Session 8
Breathwork to connect to and bring healing into your sexual energy. Reconnecting to your creative potential. This is the direction of the North of the Medicine Wheel and we will work with the spirit of Hummingbird.
In the final part of our gaterhings we will dive deeper into shamanism and I will teach you how to make Shamanic Journeys for yourself. We will explore the different realms and retrieve your Power Animal and your Spirit guide. We will also make a Shamanic Journey into the Black Light of your Womb and meet your inner sacred woman.
Session 9
Introduction to Shamanism and how to journey to the lower world and retrieve our Power Animal. We will do a few shamanic journeys in different formats to the lower world.
Session 10
Shamanic journeys to the upper world to retrieve your spirit guide. And learning more about protecting your energy and loss of spiritual power.
Session 11
Black Light journey to release what no longer serves and meeting your inner Sacred Woman to receive clarity and wisdom
Restoring our Earth connection
Session 12
Rite of passage
Shamanic Journey Breathwork and connecting with the East of the Medicine Wheel and working with Eagle Medicine.
Celebration and closing ceremony
Practical info:
All Live Group sessions will be hosted on Monday evenings from 19.00-21.30 CET. Recordings will be sent.
Dates for the GROUP Mentoring Sessions
4th of March – 8th of April – 13th of May – 3rd of June – 1st of July – 5th of August – 2nd of September – 7th of October – 4th of November – 2nd of December – 6th of January ´25 – 3rd of February ´25.
The 1 hour monthly support group calls are on Mondays from 19.00-20.00 CET.
Dates for the support calls
18th of March – 15th of April – 20th of May – 17th of June – 15th of July – 12th of August – 16th of September – 28th of October – 18th of November – 16th of December – 20th of January ´25
Group sessions & sacred sharing circles €1599
Group sessions & sacred sharing circles and 6 private mentor sessions €3250
A payment plan can be made for you with no extra charge.

Included in this program:
– 12 Live 2,5 hour Group Mentoring sessions
– 11 1 hour Support Group Calls & Sacred Sharing circles
– 6 Private Mentoring sessions of 1,5 hours
– On demand videos
– Whatsapp support group