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What happens energetically when we experience trauma?
The past couple of weeks I have been working intensely on trauma release with multiple clients. Trauma or traumatic experiences leave scars in our body and energy and keeps us often in a dynamic...
You have a choice
On monday the 16th of March I returned home in the evening after being in an intense Shamanic journey for 6 days. I haven’t written much about this yet, but these 6 days are a part of a 2 year...
Join me in my first online retreat!
The retreat is a beautiful mix of Sacred Womb Awakening practices and some tools and practices I have learned in my Shamanic Training. As we may all feel unsafe and insecure and maybe even fearful...
I don't know how you are feeling at the moment and what your situation is. But here on Ibiza, we are locked-up in our houses for over a week. And for us it is 'only' a week, as the people in Italy...
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